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INFORMATION – Blood Test For Men & Women

This is a Full Service Blood Test, providing a Health, Wellness, Hormone & Vitamin check. using over 50 Bio Markers with a Home visit from a healthcare professional included.

This test is perfect for Men and Women of any age group and will give an overall picture of your health and show any Biomarkers that might be Out of Sync in your body.


HOW IT WORKS – What’s included…

  • Purchase your test
  • A Healthcare professional will arrange to come to your home and take your sample within 7-10 working days.
  • Post your sample to us,
  • We will test it and upload your results within 24 hours.
  • Following this will also be a Basic Explanation summary from an expert who has checked your blood report.


Biomarkers Summary 

There is a hematology analysis including a comprehensive liver, kidney, and lipid panel combined with key markers such as hs-CRP and hbA1c to assess inflammation status and blood glucose metabolism. It also provides data on the methylation status of active folate and vitamin B12.

On top of all this, it excels in providing in-depth endocrinological data towards basal metabolism with a full thyroid hormone and antibody check, morning time cortisol for stress assessment, and DHEA-S and PSA (Prostate)

Finally, it offers data on fertility status and natural pituitary function through FSH and LH, female hormone assessment through estradiol, progesterone, and prolactin, and a high-sensitivity testosterone check which goes to an incredible top-end range of 502 nmol. Youth-Revisited is proud to offer such an incredibly accessible blood testing service privately for all athletes as well as the general population.

Discover our Kidney Check strategies in this section.


We will post out to you a venous pack free of charge; if you know someone that can take your sample from a vein this is all you need to take your sample including instructions of how to take the sample and an envelope to return it to the Lab.

If you don’t know anyone that can do this for you, please add phlebotomist service in the shopping cart and we can send someone to your house or place of work to take the sample for you and post it to the lab.

If you are nervous or unsure about anything please contact us and we will do our best to help.

We always recommend taking your sample in the morning and getting to the post office the same day.


Your kit will have a self-addressed envelope enclosed to return the sample by  Tracked 24 post, if you are unsure of the level of service in your area you may wish to upgrade to a guaranteed next day service.


Your blood sample will be analysed at our In House laboratory. They are very professional and quick to upload the data; your results should be ready the same day they are tested.


Once your results are uploaded on your bespoke platform we will let you know our thoughts on the results of your test and offer information about having a consultation  if necessary.

Test Included


The main function of red blood cells is the transport of oxygen from the lungs to the body’s cells. Red blood cells contain a protein called hemoglobin that actually carries that oxygen.

Our test measures the haemoglobin in the blood which is a good measurement of the bloods ability to carry oxygen throughout the body.

A higher haemoglobin test result could mean an increase in red cell production to compensate for the chronically low oxygen levels in the blood which could be due to lung disease or living at higher altitude.

A lower haemoglobin test result is an indication of anemia which may have many causes including but not limited to liver damage, blood loss, pregnancy, iron deficiency and more. A low haemoglobin level should generally be investigated in line with any other symptoms and test results.

Haemocrit measures the amount of volume the red blood cells occupy within your blood.

Higher levels can typically result from a pregnancy, dehydration, living at a higher altitude as well as a greater lack of oxygen most likely from a chronic lung disease and possibly sleep apoea.

Lower levels typically point to anaemia.

A red blood cell count is usually carried out as part of a full blood cell (FBC) count. A normal red blood cell count would be:

male – 4.7 to 6.1 million cells per microlitre (cells/mcL)

female – 4.2 to 5.4 million cells/mcL

The results of an red blood cell count can be used to help diagnose blood related conditions, such as iron deficiency.

A low red blood cell count could also indicate a vitamin B6, B12 or folate deficiency. It may also signify internal bleeding, kidney disease or malnutrition.

A high red blood cell count could be due to a number of health conditions or health-related factors and can cause your red blood cells to clump together and lower or block blood flow in tiny blood vessels making it much more difficult for your blood to carry oxygen.

Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) is the average volume of red blood cells.
MCV is elevated or decreased in accordance with average red blood cell size.

Low MCV indicates anaemia, typically due to an iron deficiency.

high MCV may be an indication that there is a vitamin deficiency of folate or b12 which can usually be seen with excessive alcohol consumption.

Mean Corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH) is the average volume of haemoglobin within your red blood cells.

MCV combined with MCHC, MCH results help to diagnose types of anaemia.

Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) is the average concentration of hemoglobin in red blood cells. Normal Range for MCHC: 32-36 grams/deciliter in adults. SI units: 334-355 gram/liter.

A low MCHC means that there is less hemoglobin in each red cell regardless of the size of the red cell, known as hypochromia. It is seen in iron deficiency anemia.

High MCHC levels can indicate the presence of spherocytosis, which is a rare disorder
or it can be a deficiency of folic acid and vitamin b12 in the diet.

Red cell distribution width (RDW) is a parameter that measures variation in red blood cell size or red blood cell volume. RDW is elevated in accordance with variation in red cell size when elevated RDW is reported on complete blood count, marked anisocytosis (increased variation in red cell size) can be caused by a deficiency in iron, vitamin B12 or folic acid.


White blood cells are key to your body’s immune or defence system. They fight infections and protect your body from foreign invaders such as harmful germs and bacteria.

A raised white blood cell (WBC) count can indicate recent infection, inflammation, trauma and even stress. Your WBC can also be raised when taking certain medications.

A decreased WBC can result from a vitamin deficiency such as folate or vitamin B12, as well as liver disease and diseases of the immune system.

Neutrophils are a type of white blood cell. In fact, most of the white blood cells that lead the immune system’s response are neutrophils.

Having a high percentage of neutrophils in your blood is a sign that your body has an infection. Neutrophilia can point to a number of underlying conditions and factors.

Low neutrophil counts are most often associated with a vitamin B12 or folic acid deficiency, but they also can be a sign of other factors or illness.

Lymphocytes are one of several different types of white blood cells.
Your bone marrow constantly produces cells that will become lymphocytes
which fight bacterial and viral infections.

About 25 percent of the new lymphocytes remain in the bone marrow and become B cells. The other 75 percent travel to your thymus and become T cells.

Lymphocytopenia can point to a number of conditions and diseases. Some, like the flu or mild infections, aren’t serious for most people. But a low lymphocyte count puts you at greater risk of infection.

A high lymphocyte count, is common if you’ve had an infection. High lymphocyte levels that persist may point to a more serious illness or disease.

Monocytes are a type of white blood cell that fights off bacteria, viruses and fungi. Monocytes are the biggest type of white blood cell in the immune system. Originally formed in the bone marrow, they are released into our blood and tissues. When certain germs enter the body, they quickly rush to the site for attack.

A high monocyte count might be a sign of a chronic infection, an autoimmune disorder or a blood disorder.

Lower levels may be due to autoimmune disorders such as lupus and rheumatoid arthiritis.

Eosinophils have two distinct functions in your immune system. They destroy invading germs like viruses, bacteria, or parasites such as Giardia and pinworm. Eosinophils also create an inflammatory response, especially if an allergy is involved.

If you have over 350 eosinophil cells per microliter of blood, then it indicates you have a disorder known as eosinophilia. This can be due to any of the following an allergic reaction to parasitic worms, an autoimmune disease, eczema, asthma, seasonal allergies, leukemia, ulcerative colitis scarlet fever, lupus or Crohn’s disease

Basophils are a type of white blood cell. Although they’re produced in the bone marrow, they’re found in many tissues throughout your body.
Basophils protect you from bacteria and parasites such as ticks.

When there is an elevated Basophils count this occurs when your thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormone. If your thyroid hormone is low, it can cause your bodily functions to slow down.

When your Basophils are low this happens when your thyroid gland produces too much thyroid hormone. The excess hormone causes your bodily functions to speed up. Symptoms include an increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, excessive sweating, weight loss.

A blood film report is an examination of the shape, size and volume of blood cells under a microscope. Oxygen is not carried as effectively if the blood cells are abnormal in size or shape, this can then result in anaemia.

A volume which is too high or too low can be a sign of a blood disorder and can affect the body’s ability to fight an infection.


Platelets are the cells that circulate within our blood and bind together when they recognize damaged blood vessels, When you get a cut, for example, the platelets bind to the site of the damaged vessel, thereby causing a blood clot.

When platelet levels are high there is an increased risk of blood clots forming in your blood vessels.

If your platelet levels are too low you have a risk of easy bruising and uncontrollable bleeding.

Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) is a measurement of the average size of your platelets.
New platelets are larger in size than older platelets and a raised mean platelet volume result occurs when an increase in the number of platelets are being produced. Mean platelet volume provides an indication of platelet production in your bone marrow.


Urea is a waste product it is produced as your body digests protein and is carried by the blood to your kidneys, which filter the urea out of the blood and into urine.
This test looks at how well your kidneys are functioning.

High urea levels suggest poor kidney function. This may be due to acute or chronic kidney disease. However, there are many things besides kidney disease that can affect urea levels such as stress, recent heart attack or severe burns; bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract; conditions that cause obstruction of urine flow or dehydration.

Low urea levels are not common and are not usually a cause for concern. They can be with low protein diets, excess hydration malnutrition or liver failure. Low urea levels are also seen in normal pregnancy.

Creatinine is a chemical byproduct molecule generated from muscle metabolism.
Measuring Creatinine is an accurate marker of your kidney function.

Higher than usual levels of Creatinine can be caused by a high intake of Creatinine supplements, animal protein and vigorous exercise however it can also mean that your kidneys are not functioning properly.

Lower Creatinine levels can usually be caused by a reduction in muscle mass, low protein diet. It can also be an indication that your kidneys are not functioning correctly.

Sodium is an electrolyte and a mineral. Sodium regulates the water and electrolyte balance of your body it is important in the operation of nerves and muscles. Sodium levels in your blood are regulated by your kidneys.

Excessive amounts of sodium found in your blood are often caused by dehydration however it can also indicate that your kidneys are not functioning properly.

Much lower sodium levels are caused by fluid retention or it can also be low due to vomiting, excessive sweating or diarrhea.

Uric acid is a waste product from the digestion of protein. High uric acid level occurs when your kidneys don’t eliminate uric acid efficiently. Things that may cause this slow-down in the removal of uric acid include rich foods, being overweight, having diabetes, taking certain diuretics (sometimes called water pills) and drinking too much alcohol. Other less common causes are a diet high in purine-containing items or your body producing too much uric acid. When this occurs in joints it causes the painful condition known as gout.


Bilirubin is a yellow pigment that’s in everyone’s blood and stool. Sometimes the liver can’t process the bilirubin in the body. This can be due to an excess of bilirubin, an obstruction, or inflammation of the liver. When your body has too much bilirubin, In both adults and children, symptoms related to high bilirubin can involve jaundice, a yellowing of the skin or eyes, fatigue, itchy skin, dark urine, and low appetite.

An alkaline phosphatase level test (ALP test) measures the amount of alkaline phosphatase enzyme in your bloodstream

Alanine transferase (ALT) is an enzyme which is produced by the liver and can indicate liver damage caused by alcohol, drugs or viruses (hepatitis). Small amounts of ALT are normal, but raised levels may indicate that your liver is inflamed.

Elevated levels of ALT can also be caused by recent vigorous exercise.

Creatine kinase (CK) is an enzyme chiefly found in the brain, skeletal muscles, and heart. An elevated level of creatine kinase is seen in heart attacks, when the heart muscle is damaged, or in conditions that produce damage to the skeletal muscles or brain.

The level of Creatine Kinase in the blood is measured to assess muscle damage – it can rise very quickly after muscle trauma, but will begin to lower as the damage is repaired. If Creatine Kinase continues to rise it indicates that muscle damage is not being repaired.

Gamma-glytamyl transpeptidase (GGT) is an enzyme which is found in hepatocytes and biliary epithelial cells. GGT may be high in liver disease. Gamma GT is also used to diagnose alcohol abuse as it is raised in 75% of long term drinkers.


Total Protein shows us the sum of albumin and globulin. It is more important to know which protein fraction is higher or lower than what the measure of total protein is.

Albumin is mostly made in your liver and helps to keep the blood from leaking out of blood vessels. It also helps carry medicines through the blood and is important for tissue growth and healing.

Lower albumin levels may be an indication of a liver disease and can also be an indication of chronic ill-health, malnutrition and inflammation. It can also occur in kidney conditions such as nephrotic syndrome and diabetes.

higher levels are usually caused by dehydration.

Globulin is made up of different proteins and is made by the liver and the immune system. Certain globulins will bind with haemoglobin while others globulins will carry iron in the blood and help fight infection.


A hBA1C test is used to determine the amount of glucose in the blood, this is often used as a in screening for prediabetes or diabetes.


C-Reactive Protein (CRP) is an inflammation marker

it does not identify where the inflammation is located. High Sensitivity CRP (CRP-hs) is a test which is used to detect low-level inflammation which is thought to damage blood vessels which can lead to a heart attack or stroke.


The test measures the volume of iron within your blood with the aim of diagnosing iron deficiency anaemia or iron overload syndrome (haemochromatosis).

The symptoms of too little or too much iron can be very similar I.e fatigue, muscle weakness, moodiness and difficulty concentrating.

Ferritin is a protein which stores iron in your cells for your body to use later. Measuring ferritin levels gives us a good indication of the amount of iron stored in your body.

Low levels of ferritin can indicate anaemia which can be caused by excessive or chronic bleeding, poor absorption of iron or too little iron in the diet.

Raised ferritin levels can indicate iron overload syndrome (haemochromatosis) or any kind of liver damage. It is also a marker of infection and inflammation.


Triglycerides are form of dietary fat that circulate in the blood. After eating your body will convert excess calories into triglycerides which are then carried to cells to be stored as fat. The triglycerides are released to be used as energy.

Raised levels of triglycerides are a potential risk factor for peripheral vascular disease which effects the blood vessels which supply your arms and legs as well as organs below the stomach as well as microvascular disease, affecting the tiny blood vessels around the heart.

Cholesterol is a waxy substance which is made in the body by the liver but is also found in some foods. It plays a vital role in how every cell works and is also needed to make Vitamin D, some hormones and bile for digestion. However, too much cholesterol in the blood can increase your risk of getting heart and circulatory diseases.

Cholesterol is made up of both good (HDL) and bad (LDL) cholesterol so it is important to investigate a raised cholesterol result to determine the cause. High levels of HDL cholesterol can cause a raised cholesterol result but may actually be protective against heart disease.

High density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol removes cholesterol from the bloodstream and carries it to the liver where it is broken down and removed from the body in bile. High density lipoprotein is a good cholesterol.

Higher levels are believed to be protective against heart disease, while low levels are associated with increased risk of a heart attack.

Low density lipoprotein (LDL) transports cholesterol, triglycerides and other fats to various tissues throughout the body. Too much low density lipoprotein cholesterol, known as bad cholesterol can cause fatty deposits to accumulate on artery walls, which can potentially lead to a heart disease and artherosclerosis.

Measuring your non-HDL cholesterol levels gives a better assessment of the risk for heart disease than measuring only LDL. This is especially true if you have high triglycerides. Your non-HDL cholesterol level is found by subtracting your HDL cholesterol from your total cholesterol.


Thyroid Stimulating Hormone is produced in the pituitary gland and stimulates the thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3).

High levels of TSH indicate an underactive thyroid while low levels indicate an overactive thyroid. In primary pituitary failure, a low TSH will be associated with an underactive thyroid.

Thyroxine (T4) is one of two hormones produced by the thyroid gland. Most T4 is bound to carrier proteins in the blood – this test measures the level of T4 which is free, or unbound, circulating in your blood.

High levels of free thyroxine can indicate an overactive thyroid while low levels can indicate an underactive thyroid.

Triiodothyronine (T3) is one of two thyroid hormones produced by the thyroid gland. Most T3 is bound to protein in the blood. It helps to regulate metabolism. Free T3 measures the level of T3 that is free, or unbound to protein.

(TP) Thyroid peroxidase is an enzyme which is produced in the thyroid gland and is important for converting T4 to the biologically active T3.

(OAb) The antibodies to thyroid peroxidase in the blood

These indicate that the body’s immune system is attacking the thyroid gland and impairing its function.

Raised levels of thyroid peroxidase antibodies are often found in Hashimoto’s disease (underactive thyroid) Raised levels are also found in over half the cases of Graves’ disease (overactive thyroid).


Testosterone is a male sex hormone which is produced in the testicles of men It is also produced in much smaller amounts, in the ovaries of women. Testosterone is responsible for your bone and muscle strength, mood, energy and sexual function.

Testosterone levels lower as you become older it is unusual to find naturally elevated levels in men. Low testosterone is more common than raised.

Raised testosterone for women can result in male characteristics such as body hair, greater bulk, a deeper voice and acne of which are all symptoms of polycystic ovaries, a condition in which elevated testosterone is commonly seen.

Oestradiol is a female steroid hormone that is produced in the ovaries of women and in the testes of men however in a much lesser extent. It is responsible for the female reproductive system as well as the growth of breast tissue and bone thickness. Oestradiol levels lower with age, culminating in the menopause when the ovaries stop producing eggs.

Raised oestadiolin women can cause acne, constipation loss of sex drive and depression it can also increase the risk of uterine and breast cancer.

Oestradiol can also be raised in men due to excess fat or in relation to testosterone levels which have declined with age. Raised oestadiol in men can cause the growth of breast tissue aswell as the loss of libido and infertility.

Lower levels of oestradiol in women can least to osteoporosis, problems with the menstrual cycle and fertility as well as fatigue and depression.

Testosterone, oestrogen and dihydrotestosterone are all bound to sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) which means that they are unavailable to your cells. Measuring the levels of SHBG in the blood gives important information about your levels of free or unbound hormones which are biologically active and available for use.

Prolactin is a hormone which is made in the pituitary gland and plays a role in reproductive health. Its main purpose is to stimulate milk production after birth and in pregnant and breastfeeding women prolactin levels will soar.

Raised levels in a woman who is neither pregnant or breastfeeding can signal fertility problems as well as irregular periods.

Higher levels in men can cause reduced sex drive, erectile dysfunction, and lack of energy and fertility problems.

Follicle Stimulating Hormone is produced in the pituitary gland and is important for women in the production of eggs by the ovaries and for men in the production of sperm. Levels of FSH rise in women as egg production declines, therefore raised FSH often coincides with the onset of the menopause and is a measure of ovarian reserve.

Elevated FSH in women indicates reduced egg supply whereas low levels can signal that you are not ovulating or are pregnant.

Levels of FSH in men rise with age, but can also indicate testicular damage and reduced sperm production. Low levels of FSH are detected when men are not producing sperm

Luteinising Hormone (LH) is produced by the pituitary gland and is important for male and female fertility. In women it governs the menstrual cycle, peaking before ovulation. In men it stimulates the production of testosterone.

Raised LH in women can signal that you are not ovulating, that you are menopausal or that your hormones are not in balance (as with polycystic ovaries).

Raised LH in men can signal that the testes are not producing enough testosterone.

DHEAS is the sulphated form of DHEA, a hormone which delinnes gradually from the age of 30. It is produced by the adrenal glands and is responsible for male characteristics in both men and women.

A raised result in women may contribute to hirsuitism (excess hair) as well as male body characteristics. It can also be raised in polycystic ovary syndrome.

In both sexes raised DHEAS may indicate Cushing’s disease (when the body produces too much cortisol) as well as a possible adrenal tumour.

Low levels of DHEAS may indicate adrenal dysfunction and could contribute to a low libido, fertility problems and, in women, osteoporosis.

Progesterone is a steroid hormone produced in the adrenal glands and the corpus luteum.

Its purpose is to prepare the body for and support a pregnancy. Its levels will increase in the second half of the menstrual cycle.

Levels are often measured to assess whether ovulation is occurring for women or to diagnose the cause of abnormal bleeding.


A cortisol test is done to measure the level of the hormone cortisol in the blood, which may indicate problems with the adrenal glands or pituitary gland


Vitamin D is actually a hormone which is activated by sunshine on your skin. Many people in the UK do not produce enough Vitamin D, especially in the winter months with fewer daylight hours Vitamin D is essential for bone strength as it helps your intestines absorb calcium.

However, it is thought that vitamin D also plays an important role in immune function, as well as in many chronic diseases and mental health.

In winter months, if your levels are found to be low, you may wish to take a supplement.

Vitamin B12 is part of the B complex of vitamins

The body is unable to make them itself and so instead must take them in through the diet

It contributes to your red blood cells metabolism and organ function


This test measures the level of PSA (prostate specific antigen) in the blood.

At Home IV Therapy

Can't visit a clinic to receive IV treatment?
Not a concern! We provide accessible at-home IV therapy services at The Health Lab UK

We will visit you wherever you may be—at home or work.

You can easily arrange your session by booking it as one person or group.

We provide accurate blood testing at our health labs in your area.

Book your blood test online now.

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